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Where did the name Brainfart come from?


The name for the podcast actually came from our main recurring guest, Mike Bigland. I'd been thinking for a while about starting a podcast but couldn't think up a name that I was happy with. I'd landed on two potential names being "Current Culture" or "IMO (In My Opinion)". The latter of which still may be incorporated into the podcast at some point down the line. But even they didn't quite suit the kind of content i wanted to try and make. One day I was chatting with mike over facetime about various creative projects and he mentioned that he'd bought an image of a cartoon brain farting for a project he'd been working on, but never ended up needing it. That just struck my mind, the name Brainfart was perfect since I'd just discovered an interest in Psychology. That mixed with my brother's masters degree in Neuropharmacology, it just made sense. We never did end up using the cartoon brain that Mike had, as we found another logo which felt more rounded and professional (at least until we had a complete graphical rebranding from a genuine, talented professional).





Who created the new rebranded graphics?


After reaching the one year mark of running the podcast, we were lucky enough to be in touch with an extremely talented, independent graphic designer by the name of Harriet Davie of @_mindfullymade. After discussing my view on the direction of the podcast and suggesting a few potential design options, she was able to design and create a whole new look for the show. Beautifully blending my vision of the podcast with her own creative talent to create something that was original and that perfectly fit the style and tone we wanted from the beginning. She attentively researched the podcast to produce something that, whilst taking us far into the future, served as a bridge from the old to the new by maintaining a fun style and similar colour scheme. This was so important as to not put off existing viewers whilst inviting new people to watch and listen. If there is anyone looking for a designer for any kind of artistic and professional graphical work, I would highly recommend Harriet. Her passionate, dedicated work has highly contributed to us moving our creative projects to the next stage creatively and professionally.

  • _mindfullymade's Instagram
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